Recalculating Euphoria

Fresh out of film school, Jonathan and Brian are wannabe filmmakers on the inevitable road trip to Hollywood. Along their journey, the two best friends challenge each other to come up with the Best Horror Movie Ever. The stakes? Loser produces, winner directs. Brian’s cerebral thriller about a team building retreat from Hell leaves Jonathan cold, but when his own story about two friends at the mercy of a pair of angry rednecks starts becoming reality, both friends must ask themselves how far they are willing to go for complete creative control on the set. 

Much like the work of Paul Auster, David Mitchell, and Bret Easton Ellis, Recalculating Euphoria is a psychological thriller that pushes the limits of character and form. Adapted from the author’s original screenplay of the same title, the novel draws on the literary traditions of great Hollywood writers like Nathaniel West and James M. Cain. Told in a pair of stories within a story, Recalculating Euphoria is a roller coaster ride through fervent visions and shattered dreams that culminates in a shocking conclusion.